Hello, Love, I am so happy you are here.

My name is Emily Elizabeth Steinberg and I’m a Life Transitions Coach, certified by the magical Martha Beck, a Harvard-trained sociologist, world-renowned life coach and New York Times bestselling author. 

I have been teaching yoga, mindfulness, and breathwork for 20 years helping people improve their physical and emotional health.

My intention for each client is to alchemize the challenges of the past and create a heart-centered and soul-aligned life. You will make steady 1-degree turns to access more joy, clarity, and freedom. I will help you come home to yourself. 




Truth Seeker

Forest Lover

Yoga and Mindfulness Teacher


Those who know me well know that I crave transparency, love authentic relationships, spend thousands of hours on healing work and personal development, am deeply connected to Spirit, and believe our suffering can be the medicine that calls us home to our most authentic selves. 

I am a TRUTH teller and a deep feeler. I know the transformation that happens when we start telling ourselves the truth, bringing this way of being into our relationships. BIG CHANGE happens. MAGIC happens. 

We experience so much suffering not living authentically, not expressing ourselves, abandoning our true nature to comply with cultural conditioning. We may feel afraid of all we might lose if we show the world the truth of who we are. I help individuals reconnect to their authentic nature and gently begin to make changes to live in alignment. 

My experience as a yoga and mindfulness teacher for twenty years helping people access the wisdom of the body, building a deeper relationship with themselves, has prepared me for this work.


…Living in INTEGRITY will transform your life. For an airplane to fly there must be structural integrity and all parts must function together. Without this, the plane will likely crash. Imagine what will heal in your life when you choose to live a life of integrity. Everything will change. 


…The body always tells the TRUTH. Access to your inner compass will be a reliable ally for a lifetime and help you to make decisions in alignment with your own truth. 


SELF-CARE is a non-negotiable on the healing path. So many of us have not been taught that when we choose self-care everyone in our world benefits and we become role models for wellness, especially to our children.


…Healing your NERVOUS SYSTEM and reclaiming a feeling of safety and security in the body is the most powerful medicine in times of transition. You will have far greater access to your inner wisdom, improved emotional intimacy in relationships, your immune system will grow more resilient, and your capacity for joy will expand. 


AWARENESS is the key to changing patterns. Once we become CONSCIOUS to the root of why we do what we do, we become empowered to choose differently. This is awakening.


…An INVESTMENT in yourself is an act of self-love. Especially in times of transition. We deserve allies in times of great change. 


…Living a life of SERVICE is living a life of PURPOSE. Being chosen as a place of safety and awakening is life-giving to me.


I am a single mom to my teenage son and we live in St. Louis Missouri.

I was divorced in 2017. This was the beginning of my “to hell and back.”

Divorce was the catalyst for me finding my way home to myself. Divorce was also the doorway for me to become the mother I was meant to be. Everything fell apart and I had to begin again. All I could see was a blank canvas. I worked with a healer, a spiritual mother of sorts. My determination and commitment to heal allowed me to do the work, and for the first time, come home to myself

Every morning I would go to the woods to run and then sit in meditation. In the middle of the big open field, I would ask for guidance and let the sunshine fill all the empty places in me. I chose to be single for 3 years before I would consider opening to a relationship. Music was my companion. I let the woods hold me as I awakened to this new version of me.  


“I fell in love with the way I was quiet and how I was all alone because during that time my intuitions voice became louder and I was able to call myself home.” Wattney Lander

I came to know what wholeness really means - to be present to the joy of everyday life while receiving the teachings of deep suffering. I learned how to be present to both. To know that when we feel grief, fear, or anger, we are being called to awaken and heal

My nervous system was locked in fight-or-flight for so long I developed an autoimmune disease, a common result of trauma or living in a state of chronic stress. When we experience trauma, we often disconnect from ourselves because the pain is too much for us to stay embodied. Healing an autoimmune disease requires vigilant self-care. With help, and unshakable commitment, I have healed. 

I’m also a carrier of a BRCA (BReast CAncer) gene mutation increasing my risk for developing hereditary breast and ovarian cancer. To lower my risk, I have had preventative surgeries including a double mastectomy as well as a hysterectomy. This inspired my training in Yoga for Cancer, so I can support other women making these life-changing decisions and heal in the aftermath.


My life is unrecognizable from where I was. The circle of beautiful souls in my life continues to grow and amaze me. My body is healthier than I can ever remember, my relationship with my teenage son has grown beyond what I ever could have dreamed, and my heart has opened to love again.  

I found a way to alchemize my journey by supporting people in times of great transition so they too can find a truer version of themselves. I believe catalytic life events can be the doorways for the birth of our greatest awakenings.